Video – Joyful and Luminous Mysteries, Shows us God’s Will – CONF 289

By October 4, 2015February 20th, 2016Conferences

Views 1790

Conferences #289 - ( 50min) >>> Play

Ave Maria!

Fr. Bernard Geiger, OFM Conv. gives the first of two talks at the semiannual Marian Day this fall at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center on the theme of the Rosary and its challenge to us, that we need to follow God's way. This is made clear in the book of Exodus where the Jews suffered so much for not following the plan God set before them. Fr. Geiger points out that God gives us his plan through the Joyful and Luminous mysteries of the Rosary. Listen as he goes through all ten of these mysteries, outlining what God wants us to do.

Audio (MP3)


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