Video – 21 – Co-redemptrix, Tradition and Magisterium – Mariology for Everyone

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Mariology for Everyone #21 ( 23min) Play - Dr. Miravalle on how the doctrine of Mary as Co-redemptrix is clearly taught in Christian Tradition as early as the second century and also by the Magisterium

- Tradition

- -  Ireneus - cause of salvation for herself and for others.

- - fifth century - Syrian and Armenian - Salvatrix

- - 10th john the geometer, Mary's role at Calvary

- - first use of "Redemptrix" in hymn

- - 12th Century - St. Bernard Mary's Com-passion

- - - Arnold of Chartre - co-suffering, co-death with Jesus

- - 14th Century - Mary's Coredemptin

- - 16th - Trent theologians

- - 17th - 300 references Mary as co-redemptions

- - 19th - Card. Newman against Bp. Pusey

- Magisterium

- - Popes Leo XIII - oward very consistent

- - Pope Pius X - Reparatrix becomes dispentrix of Graces

- - Benedict XV - She suffered and almost died with Jesus for salvation of mankind

- - Pius XI - Three times refers to Mary as coredemptrix

- - Pius XII - Offered her Son to the Father

- - Vatican II - Lumen Gentium 58

- - JPII - Pope of coredemptrix - Salve Doloris - Many teachings using Mary as suffering as a participation in suffering.

This series is a complete 43 part introductory course on Mary presented by Dr. Miravalle, a theology professor specializing in Mariology, who has been teaching at the Franciscan University of Steubenville for over 25 years. General topics are as follows:

- Mary as revealed in the Sacred Scriptures, taught and explained by the Church Fathers, the Saints, and the Church's documents
- the proper ways to show childlike love and devotion to the Blessed Mother of Jesus;
- Church's official teaching on Marian apparitions over the centuries.

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Ave Maria!

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