Sep 18 – Homily – Fr Peter: Stigmata and Levitation

By September 18, 2015February 19th, 2016Fr. Peter Fehlner, Homily, Shrine, La Crosse, WI

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Homily #150918l ( 13min) Play - Fr. Peter celebrates a votive Mass for St. Francis and explains the miracle of the Stigmata, the imprinting of the marks of the crucified in his flesh, the anniversary of which was celebrated yesterday by Franciscans. He relates this to Our Lady depicted in the San Damiano crucifix. He also refers to St. Joseph Cupertino whose feast it is today. He focuses on his many miraculous levitations, but also his obedience and his great wisdom despite his learning difficulties. Father exhorts us to be humble and lift up our hearts to the Lord during Mass.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Joseph of Cupertino - Form: OF
Readings: Friday 24th Week of Ordinary Time
1st: 1ti 6:2-12
Resp: psa 49:6-7, 8-10, 17-18, 19-20
Gsp: luk 8:1-3

Audio (MP3)

