Sep 17 – Homily – Fr Peter: Whose sins were greater?

By September 17, 2015February 19th, 2016Fr. Peter Fehlner, Homily, Shrine, La Crosse, WI

Views 1028

Homily #150917l ( 07min) Play - Fr. Peter reflects on today's gospel of the sinful woman who bathed the feet of Jesus and tells us we can never compare ourselves with others. We must be ever grateful for the graces we have been given and ask for more.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Robert Bellarmine - Opt Mem - Form: OF
Readings: Thursday 24th Week of Ordinary Time
1st: 1ti 4:12-16
Resp: psa 111:7-8, 9, 10
Gsp: luk 7:36-50

Audio (MP3)

