Video – 18 – Mary’s Spiritual Motherhood – Mariology for Everyone

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Mariology for Everyone #18 ( 24min) Play - Now that Dr. Mark Miravalle has covered the four dogmas regarding Mary's relationship to Jesus he starts on the spiritual motherhood of Mary, her relationship to us. This will cover

- Context with other dogmas
- Structure of Mary Motherhood
- - Generally under the order of grace
- - How Mary shares mediation with Jesus
- - 3 specific ways Mary is our Mother, three functions or titles
- - - 1 Coredeemer - mother suffering for us
- - - 2 Mediatrix of all Graces
- - - 3 Advocate - Mother pleading for us
- Fundamental explanation of Mary as Mother
- - Scriptural references
- - Annunciation, Mother of Head and thus of rest of Mystical Body of Christ, the Church
- - John 19:25-27 - Behold your Mother
- - Reference to by popes Leo XIII, John Paul II
- Fathers of the Church:
- - New Eve, so mother of all believers
- Magisterium
- - All Popes from Sixtus IV 1477 onward have affirmed Mary as Spiritual Mother.

This series is a complete 43 part introductory course on Mary presented by Dr. Miravalle, a theology professor specializing in Mariology, who has been teaching at the Franciscan University of Steubenville for over 25 years. General topics are as follows:

- Mary as revealed in the Sacred Scriptures, taught and explained by the Church Fathers, the Saints, and the Church's documents
- the proper ways to show childlike love and devotion to the Blessed Mother of Jesus;
- Church's official teaching on Marian apparitions over the centuries.

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