Video – 15 – The Immaculate Conception in Scripture and Tradition – Mariology for Everyone

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Mariology for Everyone #15 ( 26min) Play - In this episode Dr. Mark Miravalle covers the Immaculate Conception as it appears in scripture and tradition.

- Scripture
- - Gen 3:15 - Enmity between the seed of 'the woman' and that of Satan
- - - cannot refer to Eve who cooperated with serpent
- - - She or He will crush the serpent's head
- - - Connection between Immaculate Conception and Coredemption
- - Luke 1:28 - "full of grace"
- - - Kolbe - this is her very name
- Tradition - Three stages
- - 1. First four Centuries, implicit belief
- - - New Eve before the fall, without sin,
- - - Ambrose, Ephraim "Immune from all Sin",
- - 2. 5th 11th Century
- - - Severus calls her "pure from all taint, Immaculate"
- - - Sophronius - "pre-purified"
- - - St. Andrew of Crete - "entirely Immaculate Virgin"
- - - St. Theognostos - "conceived by a sanctifying action".
- - 3. 11th to 1854
- - - Controversies in the West, covered next episode
- Magestrium
- - 15th Century Papal approval of the Immaculate Conception feast day.
- - Subsequent Popes Build on it until dogmatic proclamation Pius IX, 1854

This series is a complete 50 part introductory course on Mary presented by Dr. Miravalle, a theology professor specializing in Mariology, who has been teaching at the Franciscan University of Steubenville for over 25 years. General topics are as follows:

- Mary as revealed in the Sacred Scriptures, taught and explained by the Church Fathers, the Saints, and the Church's documents
- the proper ways to show childlike love and devotion to the Blessed Mother of Jesus;
- Church's official teaching on Marian apparitions over the centuries.

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