Video – Courage ’15 #8 – Fr McTeigue – Learn to Discern – CONF 282
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Conferences #282 - ( 42min) >>> Play
Ave Maria!
Adult themes discussed.
Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J. of Ave Maria University gives his talk at the 2015 Courage Conference at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, IL called “Learn to Discern: Christian
Decision-Making with St. Ignatius”. He gives a crash course on Jesuit discernment which helps us in finding the will of God, obtaining the grace to do His will and then actually doing it. He does this by focusing on the practice of the "examen" which he calls a radical remedy against the modern culture of distraction, addiction and denial. Listen as Father explains with wit and wisdom this tried and true, systematic means to develop a profound spiritual life and prepare ourselves for heaven.
Courage is a Roman Catholic Apostolate to those who experience same sex attraction, providing them moral and community support to help them live according to the teachings of the Church. Most of the content of these excellent talks is fully applicable to people of any orientation, worthwhile to all.
Audio (MP3)