Aug 28 – Homily – Fr Dominic: Raising Standards of Chastity

By August 28, 2015February 19th, 2016Fr. Dominic Murphy, Griswold, CT, Homily

Views 1222

Homily #150828 ( 03min) Play - The standards of purity and chastity in society have degraded, but we must respond by raising the bar and live chaste lives according to the Gospel.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Augustine of Hippo - Mem - Form: OF
Readings: Friday 21st Week of Ordinary Time
1st: 1th 4:1-8
Resp: psa 97:1, 2, 5-6, 10, 11-12
Gsp: mat 25:1-13

Audio (MP3)

