Video – Courage ’15 #7 – Bp Seitz – Happiness by Embracing the Cross – CONF 281
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Conferences #281 - (

Ave Maria!
Adult themes discussed.
Most Rev. Mark Seitz, Bishop of El Paso, gives his talk, “Surprised by Joy: Finding True Happiness by Embracing the Cross” at the 2015 Courage Conference at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Il. He gives many quotes from St. Paul and others on the happiness we will have if we embrace our crosses knowing that Jesus, our creator, also embraced His cross for us. Not only will this timeless wisdom help us get through suffering much more effectively than modern platitudes, it will also help us to live with integrity and prepare us for eternal happiness with Our Lord in heaven.
Courage is a Roman Catholic Apostolate to those who experience same sex attraction, providing them moral and community support to help them live according to the teachings of the Church. Most of the content of these excellent talks is fully applicable to people of any orientation, worthwhile to all.
