Video – 13 – Threefold Virginity, Part 2 – Mariology for Everyone

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Mariology for Everyone #13 ( 24min) Play - The second Marian dogma to be declared is that Mary is a perpetual Virgin. This virginity is threefold before, during and after the birth of Jesus her Son. In this last of two parts on this subject Dr. Miravalle covers How she is a perpetual virgin even after the birth of Jesus. This includes:

- Perpetual virginity and vows were rare but not unheard of
- Consistently taught by Fathers of the Church and by later mystics
- Mentioned in Liturgy in medieval times
- Exemplar of all Virginity
- How it safeguards the Incarnation
- Objections and Answers
- - Biblical - Virgin until Jesus was born
- - Biblical - "Brothers of the Lord"
- - Marriage to Joseph would not be Valid

This series is a complete 50 part introductory course on Mary presented by Dr. Miravalle, a theology professor specializing in Mariology, who has been teaching at the Franciscan University of Steubenville for over 25 years. General topics are as follows:

- Mary as revealed in the Sacred Scriptures, taught and explained by the Church Fathers, the Saints, and the Church's documents
- the proper ways to show childlike love and devotion to the Blessed Mother of Jesus;
- Church's official teaching on Marian apparitions over the centuries.

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