Video – Courage ’15 #4 – Prof. Cuddeback – Challenge of Friendship Today – CONF 278
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Conferences #278 - ( 66min) >>> Play
Ave Maria!
Adult themes discussed, viewer discretion advised
Prof. John Cuddeback of Christendom College gives his talk titled “The Challenge of True Friendship Today” at the 2015 Courage Conference at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Il. The three challenges and remedies he addresses are:
1. Seeing ourselves as lovable as the basis for being able to truly love others.
2. Form habit of being together with friends as a remedy to our individualistic culture that tends to isolate us.
3. Do not let sexual desire distort our true love for others and even ask God's help to develop chastity, an interior transformation of our carnal desires to come into line with true love.
Courage is a Roman Catholic Apostolate to those who experience same sex attraction, providing them moral and community support to help them live according to the teachings of the Church.
Audio (MP3)