Video – Courage ’15 #3 – Fr. J. Waiss – Relationships in Understanding Identity – CONF 277
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Conferences #277 - (

Ave Maria!
Adult themes discussed, viewer discretion advised
At the 2015 Courage Conference at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Il. Fr. John Waiss, Pastor of St. Mary of the Angels in Chicago titles his talk, “The Role of Relationships in Understanding Identity” using the insights of John Paul II's personalism. He connects the relationship with God to that of people around us and that this should be how we identify ourselves. Where as today we have performance based identity, how much we make, how attractive we are and this is the cause of our moral decadence. By focusing on our relationships, God first and then our neighbors, we will be able to grow a healthy self-identity and avoid the escapism of various addictions including sex. In this regard he discusses the different but complimentary roles of spiritual direction and psychological therapy and the importance of family.
Courage is a Roman Catholic Apostolate to those who experience same sex attraction, providing them moral and community support to help them live according to the teachings of the Church.
