Jul 15 – Homily – Fr Joseph M.: St. Bonaventure, Wisdom of the Cross

By July 15, 2015March 2nd, 2019Bloomington, IN, Fr. Joseph McShane, Homily

Views 1739

Homily #150715b ( 06min) Play - Fr. Joseph McShane gives an account of the life of St. Bonaventure and how he exemplified a life of learning through the contemplation of the cross and how this lead to wisdom, humility and holiness.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Bonaventure - Feast - Form: OF
1st: wis 8:2-7, 16-18
Resp: psa 16:5-5, 7-8, 9, 11
2nd: 1co 2:6-13
Gsp: mat 5:13-19

Audio (MP3)

