Jul 15 – Homily – Fr Dominic: St. Bonaventure, the Second Founder

By July 15, 2015March 2nd, 2019Fr. Dominic Murphy, Griswold, CT, Homily

Views 1098

Homily #150715 ( 06min) Play - St. Bonaventure was the Minister General of the Franciscan Order and governed it with such great prudence as to be called its "second founder". A friend and colleague of St. Thomas Aquinas, he was a professor of theology at the University of Paris and was considered its greatest teacher. He wrote much, preached, and assisted the Pope at the Council of Lyons. This great bishop and cardinal was declared a Doctor of the Church, being called for his ardent love in his writings, the "Seraphic Doctor".
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Bonaventure - Feast - Form: OF
Readings: Wednesday 15th Week of Ordinary Time
1st: exo 3:1-6, 9-12
Resp: psa 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7
Gsp: mat 11:25-27

Audio (MP3)

