Video – 7 – Gospel of John and New Testament – Mariology for Everyone

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Mariology for Everyone #7 ( 25min) Play - Ave Maria!

Dr. Miravalle gives a quick survey of the Biblical references to Mary in the New Testament from the Gospel of John to the Book of Revelation, including:
- Wedding Feast of Cana - John 2:1-12
- - Jesus does what Mary asks
- - Link to the start of his public ministry
- John 19:26 - Woman Behold your Son
- - Mary is given to humanity as mother
- Acts 2:41 - Pentecost
- - Mary's role, second time he descends to her,
- - Spouse of the Holy Spirit
- Galatians 4:4 - St. Paul - Jesus born of a woman
- Rev 11:19-12:17 - Woman clothed with sun
- - Mary Mediatrix
- - Arc of the Covenant
- - Woman is Mary and Church, Mary Mother of Church
- - Battle in heaven centering on Our Lady
- Rev 22:17 - Bride comes to the Wedding Feast in Heaven

This series is a complete 50 part introductory course on Mary presented by Dr. Miravalle, a theology professor specializing in Mariology, who has been teaching at the Franciscan University of Steubenville for over 25 years. General topics are as follows:

- Mary as revealed in the Sacred Scriptures, taught and explained by the Church Fathers, the Saints, and the Church's documents
-the proper ways to show childlike love and devotion to the Blessed Mother of Jesus;
-Church's official teaching on Marian apparitions over the centuries.

It is time for Christians, those who believe and entrust their lives to Jesus Christ, to have a better knowledge, a better love as well as to allow himself/herself to be loved by the Mother of Jesus, who is also his/her Mother as was given to us by Jesus (Jn 19.26).
Thanks to the generosity and the great love Dr. Miravalle has been tirelessly shown to our Blessed Virgin Mother, the theology of Mary as should be properly taught are now available to us.

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