Ave Maria Meditations
Is it any wonder the Church calls the Eucharist, Myterium Fidei, the mystery of faith? Those who accept the Real Presence accept by implication all the cardinal mysteries of Christianity. They believe in the Trinity, in the Father who sent the Son and in the (proceeding) of the Holy Spirit. They believe in the incarnation, that the Son of God became man like one of us. They believe in Christ’s divinity since no one but God could change bread and wine into His own Body and Blood. They believe in the holy Catholic Church which Christ founded and in which through successive generations is communicated to bishops and priests the incredible power of making Christ continually present among us in the Blessed Sacrament.
+Fr. John Hardon SJ
Lord, have mercy on us;
Christ, have mercy on us;
Lord, have mercy on us;
God the Father of Mercy, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Mediator between God and man,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, the Enlightener of hearts,
Have mercy on us.
Holy and undivided Trinity, Have mercy on us.
O Sacred Host! Victim of reparation for the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.
O Sacred Host! Annihilated on the altar for us and by us, Have mercy on us.
O Sacred Host! Despised and neglected, Have mercy on us.
O Sacred Host! Neglected and abandoned in Your temples, Have mercy on us.
Be merciful unto us: Spare us, O Lord.
Be merciful unto us: Hear us, O Lord.
(Response: We offer You our reparations, O Lord)
For so many unworthy Communions
For the irreverence of Christians,
For the continual blasphemies of the impious,
For the infamous discourses made in Your Holy Temples,
For the crimes of sinners,
For the sacrileges which profane Your sacrament of love,
For the coldness of the greater part of Your children,
For their contempt of Your loving invitations,
For the infidelity of those who call themselves Your
For the abuse of Your grace,
For our unfaithfulness,
For our delay in loving You,
For our tepidity in Your Holy Service,
For Your bitter sadness at the loss of souls,
For Your long waiting at the door of our hearts,
For Your loving sighs,
For Your loving tears,
For Your loving imprisonment,
For Your loving death,
(Response: We sinners beseech You, hear us)
That You spare us, that You hear us,
That You will make known Your love for us in this most
Holy Sacrament,
That You will vouchsafe to accept our reparation, made in
the spirit of humility.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world:
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world: Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world:
Have mercy on us, O Lord.
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, Who has chosen to expose Yourself to all the outrages of the impious, rather than withdraw Your Sacred Body from our Churches, grant us the grace to bewail, with true bitterness of heart, the injuries and sacrileges committed against you, and to repair as far as lies in our power, and with sincere love, the many ignominies and contempts You have received, and still continue to receive, in this ineffable mystery, Who lives and reigns with God, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.
O Sacrament Most Holy
Keyboard Tracks – No Vocals – You Sing It
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O Jesus we adore Thee, Who
In Thy love divine, con-
ceal Thy mighty Godhead, in
Forms of bread and wine. (Chorus)
O Sacrament Most Holy, O
Sacrament Divine, All
Praise and all thanksgiving, Be
Ev’ry moment Thine.
O Jesus we adore Thee, our
Victim and our Priest, Whose
Precious Blood and Body, Be-
come our Sacred feast. (Chorus)
O Jesus we adore Thee, our
Saviour and our King, and
with the saints and angels, our
humble homage bring. (Chorus)
O Jesus we adore Thee, come
Live in us we pray, that
All our thoughts and actions, be
Thine alone today. (Chorus)
O come all thee who labor, in
Sorrow and in pain, come
eat this Bread from heaven, thy
peace and strength regain. (Chorus)