Jun 01 – Homily – Fr Alan: Justin Martyr, Live well, Die Well

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Homily #150601b ( 11min) Play - Fr. Alan Wharton on the life of St. Justin Martyr and how his worthy death is based on his worthy life, always seeking truth and using his great intellectual gifts to spread the faith and defend it against the criticism of the Roman Emperors. He did this even to the point of shedding his own blood in the footsteps of the Crucified Lord.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Justin Martyr - Mem - Form: OF
Readings: Monday 9th Week of Ordinary Time
1st: tob 1:1, 2, 2:1-9
Resp: psa 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Gsp: mar 12:1-12

Audio (MP3)

