May 18 – Homily – Fr Joachim: St Felix of Cantalice

By May 18, 2015March 2nd, 2019Fr. Joachim, Homily, New Bedford, MA, Saints, Vocations

Views 1545

Homily #150518n ( 06min) Play - Father comments on the life of the Franciscan lay-brother St. Felix of Cantalice, and compares his virtues to the first reading, and tells us that, above all, self-less love will bring about all the other virtues.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Felix of Cantalice - Feast - Form: OF
Readings: Monday 7th Week of Easter
1st: act 19:1-8
Resp: psa 68:2-3, 4-5, 6-7
Gsp: joh 16:29-33

Audio (MP3)

