Homily #150503n (18min) Play - Father Matthias speaks of the Indwelling of the Holy Trinity in the souls of the baptized, telling us that a realization of this fundamental Christian doctrine is a most powerful motive to strive to turn away from creatures, and towards the Creator. But why don't we percieve this presence? That is because it manifests itself only to the degree we are receptive of it, and often our hearts and minds are full of worldly, if not sinful, things. Let us examine what we fill our mind with and where we put our hearts, for where our treasure is, there our heart is also
Ave Maria!
Mass: Sunday 5th Week of Easter - Sunday - Form: OF Readings:
1st: act 9:26-31
Resp: psa 22:26-27, 28, 30, 31-32
2nd: 1jo 3:18-24
Gsp: joh 15:1-8