Video – He is Risen – Variety 264

By April 6, 2015March 2nd, 2019Variety

Views 1972

Variety #264 - ( 04min) >>> Play

Ave Maria!

This is  a Good Friday through Easter montage of video clips from the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center at Bloomington. The "Good Friday" clips are of the Way of the Cross here, but were filmed last fall during peak foliage on a day with a quite dramatic sky. The Easter scenes are from this Easter 2015. The Hymn is Iesu, Quadragenariae sung by our friars in Italy, followed by Alleluias from our sisters.

Iesu, Quadragenariae

English (in rhyme so not very close to the Latin)

O Jesus Christ, from Thee began
This healing for the soul for man,
By fasting sought, by fasting found
Through forty days of yearly round;

Therefore behold Thy Church, O Lord,
And grace of penitence accord
To all who seek with generous tears
Renewal of their wasted years.

Forgive the sin that we have done,
Forgive the course that we have run,
And show henceforth in evil day
Thyself our succor and our stay.

But now let every heart prepare,
By sacrifice of fast and prayer,
To keep with joy magnifical
The solemn Easter festival.

Father and Son and Spirit blest,
To Thee be every prayer addrest,
Who art in threefold name adored,
From age to age, the only Lord.

In Latin

Iesu quadragenariae.
dicatur abstinentiae.
qui ob salutem mentium.
hoc sanxeras ieiunium.

Adesto nunc ecclesiae.
adesto poenitentiae.
qua pro suis excessibus.
orat profusis fletibus.

Tu retroacta crimina.
tua remitte gratia.
et a futuris adhibe.
custodiam mitissime.

Ut expiati annuis.
ieiuniorum victimis.
tendamus ad paschalia.
digne colenda gaudia.

Te rerum universitas,
Clemens, adoret, Trinitas,
Et nos novi per veniam
Novum canamus canticum.


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