Ave Maria Meditations
God is in the midst of us, or rather we are in the midst of Him; wherever we are He sees us and touches us at prayer, at work, at table, at recreation. We do not think of this; if we did, with what fervor and devotion we should live. Let us often make acts of faith, saying to ourselves: God is looking at me; He is here present.
Keep yourself as much as possible in the presence of God, humbly tasting the sweetness you will find there. Do not fear illusion. Despise troublesome thoughts and bear their importunity with resignation. A soul that fears God is not troubled by her fear of committing faults; she goes to her good Master with great liberty of spirit and with childlike confidence. When we only desire to please Him, we must not fear that He is offended by things that we believe to be well done… The only secret for accomplishing your actions well is to do them only to please God and to avoid anxiety and discouragement at your faults; this comes merely from self-love, because you think more of yourself than of God; yet we should think only of Him.
St. Claude de la Colombiere