Jan 29 – Homily – Fr Maximilian W: The Purpose of a Lamp

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Homily #150129n ( 04min) Play - Father comments on the readings, telling us that the purpose of a lamp is to dispel darkness, and in the parable, the darkness is the darkness of sin. It is by the joy which flows from a life of holiness that the darkness of sin is dissipated. On the last day, at the general judgement, all will be revealed and we will see things as God saw them. Let us live now in the light of God!
Ave Maria!
Mass: Thursday 3rd Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy - Form: OF
1st: heb 10:19-25
Resp: psa 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Gsp: mar 4:21-25

Audio (MP3)

