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Homily #150125n ( 22min) Play - Father takes the time to comment on the Church, pulling from Scripture, the Catechism, and recent comments from Pope Francis. He tells us that the world was created for the Church, that one cannot be fully Christian outside of the Catholic Church, that God desires all Christians to live in unity of faith, sacraments, and governance under the maternal care of the Catholic Church, which finds its principle, as St. Therese teaches us, in Charity. Finally, he stressed that the Church is made visible not in buildings but in our lives, and we must testify to it by living the Love of Christ, even our enemies. And the best way to do this is to place ourselves fully under the care of the Immaculate Virgin and allow her to form us into true children of the Church.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday - Form: OF
1st: jon 3:1-5, 10
Resp: psa 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9
2nd: 1co 7:29-31
Gsp: mar 1:14-20

Audio (MP3)

