Jan 25 – Homily – Fr Elias: Prophet Sunday

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Homily #150125b ( 20min) Play - Fr. Elias dubs this day, "Prophet Sunday" because all three readings refer to the prophetic message to repent because the end is near. Father focuses on the fact that the people of Nineveh who did not have the benefit of the Old Testament were quicker to respond to Jonas than Jesus' own people were to His message. Father exhorts us who have the benefit of the Old and New Testament to be open to continual conversion and to prompt response to God's  holy will.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday - Form: OF
1st: jon 3:1-5, 10
Resp: psa 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9
2nd: 1co 7:29-31
Gsp: mar 1:14-20

Audio (MP3)

