Homily #150101n (13min) Play - Father comments on the "mode of the Incarnation," telling us that the second reading today, which contains the only reference to Our Lady in the writings of St. Paul, contains more food for meditation than it may at first seem. In particular, we can see three distinct truths in this short reading: that Mary is truly the Mother of God (while the Divine Word exists in eternity, it is truly God who is born of her, for She isn't the mother of the human nature of Jesus, but of Jesus Himself), that Mary's Motherhood is Virginal (Before, After, and During the birth of Jesus), and that She is the spiritual mother of us all (for She bore and birthed the "Whole Christ," head and members). Let us be aware that Jesus comes to us through Mary, it is thanks to Her we can be united to God through Christ. Our Lady is not an obstacle which gets in the way, rather, She is the way God comes to us, and the way which we return to Him.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - Solemnity - Form: OF Readings:
1st: num 6:22-27
Resp: psa 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8
2nd: gal 4:4-7
Gsp: luk 2:16-21