Homily #141127n (18min) Play - Father highlights the three elements of Mary's Mediation: in the acquisition of graces as Coredemptrix, in interceding for us as Advocate, and in distributing these graces as Distributrix. Since she is, by God's will, the Mediatrix, we need to draw close to her to receive the graces we are in desperate need of. Also, Father points out, the Immaculate Conception forms the bedrock for her other roles, and demonstrates the perfection of the Redemption. These two doctrines, Mediatrix and Immaculate Conception, are harmoniously united in the Miraculous Medal. While she doesn't need a medal to distribute the graces entrusted to her by God, it is the will of God to use simple things (like the sacramentals) as instruments to bestow graces. And we are also involved in this as well, we need to make use of these simple things God has given us, the Miraculous Medal, Rosary, Scapular, Five First Saturdays, Divine Mercy Chaplet, ect., to receive the graces He desires to distribute through them. God makes Himself very available, but we need to go to Him according to His will and not ours. The sacramentals and sacraments may seem too simple, too available, but how many graces do we waste by not doing the easy things God wants us to. Let us do the simple things like the servants at the wedding of Cana did, and God will work powerfully in our lives.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal - Feast - Form: OF Readings:
1st: rev 12:11, 5-6, 14-17
Resp: psa 45:11-12, 14-15, 16-17
Gsp: joh 2:1-11