Nov 13 – Homily – Fr Maximilian W: Simply Follow

By November 13, 2014March 2nd, 2019Fr. Maximilian Warnisher, Homily, New Bedford, MA

Views 1542

Homily #141113n ( 05min) Play - Father Maximilian comments on the Gospel today, and compares it to the life of St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, telling us to simply follow the Lord in faith, hope, and love.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini - Mem - Form: OF
Readings: Thursday in the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time
1st: phm 1:7-20
Resp: psa 146:7, 8-9, 9-10
Gsp: luk 17:20-25

Audio (MP3)

