Nov 08 – Homily – Fr Alan: Scotus the Subtle Doctor

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Homily #141108b ( 13min) Play - Fr. Alan on the life of Bl. John Duns Scotus and how he he gave a lofty, subtle penetration of the divine nature and the centrality of Christ's Incarnation as the very reason for God's gratuitous act of love in in creating the universe. This maximized Christo-centrism, in turn, provided the theological basis for the Immaculate Conception of Mary, leading to its proclamation as a dogma of the Church in 1854. For more on the Primacy of Christ go here, and read this:


Ave Maria!
Mass: Bl. John Duns Scotus - Feast - Form: OF
Readings: Saturday in the 31st Week in Ordinary Time
1st: phi 4:10-19
Resp: psa 112:1-2, 5-6, 8, 9
Gsp: luk 16:9-15

Audio (MP3)

