Nov 05 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Either Forwards or Backwards

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Homily #141105n ( 05min) Play - Drawing from today's reading and the Father of the Church, Fr. Matthias tells us we cannot "coast" in the spiritual life. Either we are advancing or moving backwards, we are either being faithful to the grace of God and to His Will, or we are being unfaithful. Finally, Father suggests we look to the prayers of the Liturgy with their constant supplications for grace, and incorporate that awareness of our need for God's grace in our own prayers.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Wednesday in the 31st Week in Ordinary Time - Wkdy - Form: OF
1st: phi 2:12-18
Resp: psa 27:1, 4, 13-14
Gsp: luk 14:25-33

Audio (MP3)

