Oct 26 – Homily – Fr Alan: The Old and the New

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Homily #141026b ( 17min) Play - New remains hidden in the old. And the old is revealed in the new. Fr. Alan explains this in the context of today readings where Jesus responds to the Pharisees with, You shall love your God as ... and your neighbor as yourself. These are all related by the analogy of faith where the Old Testament is related to the New and the justice of God is related to the love and mercy of God and the Love we should have for God is related to what we should have for our neighbor.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday - Form: OF
1st: exo 22:20-26
Resp: psa 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51
2nd: 1th 1:5-10
Gsp: mat 22:34-40

Audio (MP3)

