Homily #141018b ( 10min) Play - Fr. Elias on the Gospel according to St. Luke whose feast day it is today. He focuses on the Marian dimension of the Good News of which Luke focuses on more than the other Evangelists that God has become man through a woman, one of our own, the one foretold in Genesis, the first book of the Bible in the Proto-Gospel, "And I will establish a feud between thee and the woman, between thy offspring and hers; she is to crush thy head, while thou dost lie in ambush at her heels."
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Luke the Evangelist - Feast - Form: OF Readings:
1st: 2ti 4:9-17
Resp: psa 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18
Gsp: luk 10:1-9