Homily #140821n (10min) Play - Father Matthias preaches on the legacy of the great modern Pope, St. Pius X who was, as the collect of today's Mass says, "filled ... with wisdom and ... the strength of an apostle." One of his greatest legacies is the diagnosis and condemnation of Modernism, which he calls the "sum of all heresies," and to combat this, he promulgated the "Oath against Modernism." Father reads from this bracing document, and encourage us to ask for Pope St. Pius X's intercession in order to stand firm in the confession of our Faith.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Pius X - Mem - Form: OF Readings: Thursday in the 20th Week in Ordinary Time
1st: eze 36:23-28
Resp: psa 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19
Gsp: mat 22:1-14