Homily #140725n (08min) Play -The first of the Apostles to be martyred was St. James the Greater whom we celebrate today. Fr. Maximilian reflects on a question his mother asked him as he was preparing to enter religious life: Are you ready to be a martyr? While St. James won the crown of a red (a.k.a. bloody) martyrdom, all Christians are called to be martyrs, which means witnesses, and can take the form of the daily "white martyrdom." A primary way this martyrdom is lived, and which the Holy Father lives it and is calling us to live it, is selfless service to those around us, especially those under us, for when we lower ourselves, we draw close to Jesus who came to serve and not to be served.
P.S. Let us keep in prayer our brothers in the Middle East as they face the red martyrdom as well.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. James - Feast - Form: OF Readings:
1st: 2co 4:7-15
Resp: psa 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6
Gsp: mat 20:20-28