Jul 01 – Homily – Fr Matthias: The Precious Blood and the Virtue of Modesty

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Homily #140701n ( 09min) Play - Father preaches on the importance to preserve our purity, a purity we receive from being washed in the Precious Blood of Our Lord. One of the most important means for preserving purity in ourselves in others, that is, the Christian virtue of modesty. Father reminds us of the importance of modesty, and, as the popes have taught, we have a duty to strive to preserve modesty and combat the "shameless styles" of our age, even if it means discomfort and scorn. For it is out of Love and Gratitude to the Precious Blood of Our Lord shed on the Cross that we must fight to preserve the purity of our souls.
Ave Maria!
Mass: The Feast of the Most Precious Blood - Feast - Form: OF
Readings: Of the Feast
1st: 1 pet 1:17-21
Gsp: jn 19:31-37

Audio (MP3)

