Ave Maria Meditations
Portal of the world’s Salvation, lo a virgin pure and mild,
Humble-hearted a high in station, form of beauty undefiled,
Crown of the earth’s anticipation, comes the mother-maid with Child.
See in, in flesh so great a wonder by the power of God ordained, –Him,
Whose feet all worlds lay under, In a virgin’s womb contained;
So on earth her bonds to sunder, righteousness from heaven hath rained.
Virgin Sweet, with love o’er flowing, To the Hills in haste she fares;
On a kindred heart bestowing blessing from the joy she bears;
Waiting while with mystic showing time the sacred birth prepares.
What fair joy o’ershone that dwelling, called so great a guest to greet;
What her joy whose love, compelling, found a rest for Mary’s feet,
When, the bliss of time foretelling, lo, the voice and Word did meet!
God most high, the heaven’s foundation, Ruler of eternity;
Jesu, Who for man’s salvation, came in flesh to make us free;
Spirit, moving all creation, evermore be praise to Thee!