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The Visitation of the Blessed Mother to St. Elizabeth

Ave Maria Meditations

Portal of the world’s Salvation, lo a virgin pure and mild,

Humble-hearted a high in station, form of beauty undefiled,

Crown of the earth’s anticipation, comes the mother-maid with Child.

See in, in flesh so great a wonder by the power of God ordained, –Him,

Whose feet all worlds lay under, In a virgin’s womb contained;

So on earth her bonds to sunder, righteousness from heaven hath rained.

Virgin Sweet, with love o’er flowing, To the Hills in haste she fares;

On a kindred heart bestowing blessing from the joy she bears;

Waiting while with mystic showing time the sacred birth prepares.

What fair joy o’ershone that dwelling, called so great a guest to greet;

What her joy whose love, compelling, found a rest for Mary’s feet,

When, the bliss of time foretelling, lo, the voice and Word did meet!

God most high, the heaven’s foundation, Ruler of eternity;

Jesu, Who for man’s salvation, came in flesh to make us free;

Spirit, moving all creation, evermore be praise to Thee!


Sr. JosephMary f.t.i.

Author Sr. JosephMary f.t.i.

Our Lady found this unworthy lukewarm person and obtained for her the grace to enter the Third Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. May this person spend all eternity in showing her gratitude.

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