Month of Mary 29 – Marian Entrustment and Divine Mercy
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Month of Mary #29 ( 07min) Play - Today we look at the homily St. John Paul II gave at Fatima, Portugal, on May 13th, 1982, exactly 65 years after the first apparition of Mary at that spot, and exactly one year after he was shot in an assassination attempt which, according to him, was foiled by Our Lady. In this important homily, the newly canonized Holy Father reflects on the link between Divine Mercy and Marian Entrustment. It is Mary who brings us to the cross, which is the source of Divine Mercy, and by entrusting ourselves to her, we abandon ourselves to her and by her maternal mediation She helps us offer ourselves more fully to Christ in His own self-offering to the Father for our own redemption.
Today's Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary. Draw me in, with, and through Mary to the Fountain of Love and Mercy.
Ave Maria!
