Month of Mary #24 ( 11min) Play - Father Joachim tells us that our final guide, St. John Paul II, is a triple blessing. Not only is he a saint and theologian, he is also a Pope, and as Pope, developed his Marian Teachings from those of the Second Vatican council. So, before we start with St. John Paul II, we look at the teachings of Vatican II, particularly the Eighth Chapter of the Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, as it speaks of Mary's "Maternal Mediation" which is not a repudiation of Jesus' sole mediation, but a profound participation in it. Father stresses that Mary's cooperation with the work of her Son didn't end after the Nativity, Ministry, Crucifixion, Resurrection, or Ascension, but continues to this very day and with us.
The excerpt from Lumen Gentium may be found here (from paragraphs 61 & 61):
Today's Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary. Fill my heart with praise to God for giving me Mary as my spiritual mother.