May 24 – Homily – Fr Maximilian W: See, I Make All Things New

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Homily #140524n ( 06min) Play - Father Maximilian comments on today's readings for the anniversary of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. Francis. He tells us that God is building a new temple - and we are the stones. Jesus is the Good Shepard, and when He calls, the sheep hear and follow Him. And the Way of Jesus is the Way of the Cross, but we must follow if we are to be His sheep, and if we are faithful, He will fashion us into the stones of the New Jerusalem.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Dedication of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi - Feast - Form: OF
1st: rev 21:1-5
Resp: psa 95:1-7
Gsp: joh 10:22-30

Audio (MP3)

