Month of Mary 21 – Imitate Her Heart-Pondering Prayer

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Month of Mary #21 ( 07min) Play - Father takes a day to ask s if we are getting ready to consecrate ourselves to Mary, or are we just "Going though the motions" this May. If we aren't really preparing, we need to start, because after our consecration, our whole life will change. When we give ourselves to Mary, She will start to work in the daily events of our lives, and especially in our difficulties and sufferings. We need to intensify our prayer life and reflect on what happens to us in order to be able to see God working with a before unknown freedom in our lives. We need to imitate Her heart-pondering prayer.

Today's Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary. Help me to recognize and ponder in my heart all the good you do for me.

Ave Maria!

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