Homily #140510n (07min) Play - Father comments today on the "Hard Teaching" of the Eucharist, and notes that many disciples went away because they didn't understand all that Our Lord was saying. He was not just going to offer dead flesh from His body, but His very self, body and soul (and divinity) as food for our souls. St. Damien understood the lesson of the Eucharist well, and gave himself to the lepers on Molokai, even becoming one himself, in order to bring them spiritual healing. Let us learn our lesson from St. Damien and the Eucharist, and, as he brought spiritual healing and opened heaven to the lepers of Molokai, let us offer ourselves to bring the life that comes from Christ to all souls.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Damien of Molokai - Opt Mem - Form: OF Readings: Saturday 3rd Week of Easter
1st: act 9:31-42
Resp: psa 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-17
Gsp: joh 6:60-69