Month of Mary 3 – Fr. Joachim – Zeal and Generosity

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Month of Mary #3 ( 09min) Play - Jesus is our joy, our salvation, and redemption. Like St Louis de Montfort, we need to be grateful for the news of Jesus and Mary, and be passionate for spreading it. Even though he died, worn out from his apostolic labors, at 43, his influence reaches even to St. John Paul II, who said "You know that I owe much to this saint, and to his True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin," and from whom he took his motto, "Totus tuus." We have heard of the need for Marian Consecration, but we must also realize it is not just another devotion, but a life to be lived, one of zeal, desire for sanctity, and generosity. Finally he gives us this quote from St. Louis de Montfort: "We never give more honor to Jesus than when we honor his Mother, and we honor her simply and solely to honor him all the more perfectly. We go to her only as a way leading to the goal we seek - Jesus, her Son."
Prayer for the day: Come Holy Spirit, living in Mary, help me to make this retreat with generosity and zeal.

Ave Maria!

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