Apr 09 – Homily – Fr Louis Maximilian: Faith vs Fury

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Homily #140409n ( 14min) Play - Father Louis Maximilian comments on the three young men thrown into into fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar, and highlights their faith as examples for us. When we open ourselves up to and embrace the truth, it will set us free and change us, but those who resist the truth and remain in bondage to error and sin will react to us with fury. We see this fury rising against us today because of our fidelity to the truth about abortion, contraception, and marriage. Father encourages us to seek refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as she asked us to do at Fatima, and to have faith in the face of the fury of the modern Nebuchadnezzars.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Wednesday 5th Week of Lent - Wkdy - Form: OF
1st: dan 3:14-20, 91-92, 95
Resp: dan 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56
Gsp: joh 8:31-42

Audio (MP3)

