Apr 06 – Homily – Fr Louis Maximilian: The Healing We Need

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Homily #140406n ( 21min) Play - Fr. Louis Maximilian compares the death of Lazarus to the death of the soul in sin. He points out that man is not made to die, but to live. However, this life, because of sin, does end. The healing God brings does not erase the passing from this life, but a spiritual healing which goes to the root of the matter, sin, and brings us to everlasting live in God. Let us place our trust in God and allow Him to heal us, not according to how we think we need healing, but according to how God knows we need it.

Ave Maria!
Mass: Sunday 5th Week of Lent - Sunday - Form: OF
1st: eze 37:12-14
Resp: psa 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
2nd: rom 8:8-11
Gsp: joh 11:1-45

Audio (MP3)

