Mar 09 – Homily – Fr Mahan: The Lord’s Temptation

By March 17, 2014January 14th, 2015Fr. Daniel Mahan, Homily, St Johns, Bloomington

Views 1253

Homily #140309j ( 12min) Play - We are all subject to temptation in life: to be inauthentic, to exclude God, to take what we see as all that there is. Our Lord knows what it's like to be tempted and with His infinite compassion, is quick to forgive those who turn to Him.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Sunday 1st Week of Lent - Sunday - Form: OF
1st: gen 2:7-9, 3:1-7
Resp: psa 51:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14, 17
2nd: rom 5:12-19
Gsp: mat 4:1-11

Audio (MP3)

