Dec 21 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Responding to Christmas

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Homily #131221n ( 08min) Play - Fr. Angelo preaches over today's gospel and shows us that immediately after the Annunciation, Mary went "with haste" to her cousin Elizabeth to assist her during the final months of pregnancy and to bring to her to the "Good News." Reflecting on this, Father shows we need to respond to the good news of Christmas with faith and joy, and then put it into action by the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.  May we do this in union with Mary, for She is our model in faith and charity, and may She bring Jesus to us as She did to Elizabeth.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Weekdays of Advent - Dec 21 - Form: OF
1st: son 2:8-14
Resp: psa 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21
Gsp: luk 1:39-45

Audio (MP3)

