Nov 17 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Come, Lord Jesus

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Homily #131117b ( 20min) Play - Fr. Angelo Geiger gives the final homily for our retreat at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center called "Apocalypse Now" on the book of Revelation. He relates this subject to the current liturgical season which at the time of the conference was just prior to the feast of Christ the King, when we look forward to the second coming of Christ as covered in the Apocalypse.

Ave Maria!

Mass: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday - Form: OF
1st: mal 3:19-20
Resp: psa 98:5-6, 7-8, 9
2nd: 2th 3:7-12
Gsp: luk 21:5-19

All the talks of the conference in order:

Audio (MP3) +++
