Ave Maria Meditations
The easiest way to keep your peace of heart is to accept everything as coming directly from the hands of the God who loves you. lf you do this, any pain or persecution, anything which is difficult to accept will be transformed into a source of joy, happiness, and peace…
Silence and recollection are two very effective ways of bringing ourselves before the Lord and entering into the sanctuary of his love: ‘When peaceful silence lay over all, and night had run the half of her swift course, down from the heavens leapt your all-powerful Word.”
When a person comes to terms with his feelings, when he lives in God and walks by the light of faith, he has attained that stillness of the night which God is waiting for. It is then that the Word of God comes to birth in him in a way which is entirely of the spirit entirely of God. Remain within your deepest self, in the interior kingdom of your spirit.
God is never outdone in generosity. lf your self-offering is sincere, and is made, no matter how you tremble in making it, he will then give you the grace you need. It is well, after making your self-offering, to pray very much to our Lady, and you know she has been through all this, and she is a great example of how to act with those you love.
+ Caryll Houselander
I believe that scripture verse half way through the meditation is from Wisdom 18:12.
Father Jacques Phillipe wrote a small book on peace….”Searching for and Maintaiining Peace ~ A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart”.
Part One: Interior Peace, The Road to Saintliness
Part Two: How To React To That Which Causes Us To Lose Peace
Part Three: What the Saints Tell Us.
The book is about $8.00…..worth every penny!
Ave Maria! 😉