Ave Maria Meditations
Having seen what fruit may come of Prayer and Mediation, let us now see what are the things on which we should meditate. To which the answer is, that inasmuch as this holy exercise is ordained to create in our hearts the love and fear of God, and to lead us to keep His Commandments, the most fitting subject for this exercise will be that which should most surely lead to the end proposed.
Although it be true that all created things, whether earthly or heavenly, may move us to this, yet, generally speaking, the Mysteries of our Faith which are contained in the Creed, are the most efficacious, and profitable. For here are treated the subjects of the Divine blessings, the Last Judgment, the pains of Hell, and the glory of Paradise, where there are the most powerful stimulants to move our hearts to the love and fear of God; and in it are treated also the Life and Passion of Our Savior Christ, in which consists all our good.
These two subjects especially are treated of in the Creed, and are those on which we for the most part make our Meditations. And therefore, with much reason it is said, that the Creed is the most fitting subject for this holy exercise, although at the same time, there may be with everyone some subject which might more especially move his heart to the love and fear of God.
+St. Peter Alcantara