Jul 21 – Homily – Fr. Casey: Attentive to the Word
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Homily #130721b (

- Direct access to the Bible
- prayer based on the bible
- Knowledge of Scripture is knowledge of Christ
And also with prayer.
The essence of mental prayer is intimate friendship and heart to heart conversation with the One that you love.
Prayer must be a family event, part of the family culture, pass on a prayerful attitude to our children. Teens are constantly distracted, on the run, all their little cares. Technology, iPhones, etc. All of which distracts them from God. Need to be convinced of His goodness and graces and our inadequacy. Requires humility.
Need to have a balance of prayer and active life, the exact formula of which will be dictated by our state in life, married, single, religious. Even those engaged directly in apostolic work needs to pray. In fact, even more so since prayer is the soul of the apostolate. We must work with God. Without him we can do nothing.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday - Form: OF
1st: gen 18:1-10
Resp: psa 15:2-3, 3-4, 5
2nd: col 1:24-28
Gsp: luk 10:38-42
