Homily #130527b ( 17min) Play - Fr. Elias preaches on the life of St Augustine of Canterbury, how he evangelized England and fostered devotion to Our Lady. He also preaches on the significance of Memorial Day and the importance of liberty and how it must be exercised within self-control. In this sense liberty is self-control not lack of control, self-rule not unruliness. He points out the interesting fact that the legal basis for our freedoms is our Constitution which is based on the Magna Carta of England which is based on the Catholic Faith introduced to England by St Augustine.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Augustine of Canterbury - Opt Mem - Form: OF Readings: Monday 8th Week of Ordinary Time
1st: sir 17:19-27
Resp: psa 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7
Gsp: mar 10:17-27
I am grateful for this homily from Fr. Elias today. Pure, unadulterated truth brings light, wisdom, and hope in times that are proving to be very dark, ignorant, and oppressive. May God bless and strengthen Father Elias through Mary our Holy Mother.
I might add that a great part of the cause of this dark, ignorant, and oppressive society, in which we now find ourselves surrounded, has been the unfaithfulness of those in positions of authority within the Holy Catholic Church. Pandering to the desires of nominal Catholics who wish to contracept, divorce and obtain rubber-stamped annulments, and failing to teach the truth firmly with the love and warmth that is always attached to the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ has been a sure method of allowing the world to become drenched in sin, selfishness, and darkness.
It is encouraging to hear priests actually preaching truthfully on these issues that are urgent concerning these dark times. The five decades of Catholic “navel-gazing” must come to an end. Personal holiness is always necessary, in all times, but when it is reduced to dreamy, self-indulgent, airy-fairy navel-gazing, or what seems to always be the ugly twin of the navel-gazer — finger-pointing and fault finding of the self-righteous and pharisaic — Holy Mother Church is not being well served. In fact, we come to the type of situation we now have in the world and in the Church, which as Father pointed out, is becoming more chaotic and dark with each passing acceptance of sin and self-indulgence the hierarchy enables.
Much is required of those who have been given much. I don’t find this teaching to be about worldly power so much as it is about those who have been put in positions of authority within the Church and have so disastrously been unwilling to stand firm and failed to be steadfast in the faith.
From down here in the trenches, the self-glorifying leaders of our Church (clergy and laity alike) who have capitulated to the attacks of the enemy, are seen for what they are.
Cowards and traitors, each and every one, who have failed to stand firm and fight with the power of the love of Christ, and the weapons of the Holy Spirit. They’ve traded in the armor of God for a few frilly garments of pride and place. Makes a soldier sick to the stomach.
God bless our leaders (clergy and laity alike) who are not afraid to be true shepherds, true men, not for the sake of their own pride and glory, but for the rewards of love and humble service to Jesus Christ and Holy Mother Church — for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Ave Maria! And on earth peace to men of good will.
I agree with the most of the thing that James has said, but, otherwise, I have to say too that, in fact, there is many proofs of plot against the Catholic. Today I read a very interesting testimony of an ex-revolucionary that converted to the Catholic faith and has revealed the evil purposes of the revolutionary movements.
I don’t know if this article has a translation into English, but I’m going to share it in Spanish and Portuguese. I hope you don’t mind.
Una experiencia mística con la Virgen la cambió
Amparo, exrevolucionaria y funcionaria de la ONU: «Mi trabajo era destrozar la fe de los católicos»
I am grateful for this homily from Fr. Elias today. Pure, unadulterated truth brings light, wisdom, and hope in times that are proving to be very dark, ignorant, and oppressive. May God bless and strengthen Father Elias through Mary our Holy Mother.
I might add that a great part of the cause of this dark, ignorant, and oppressive society, in which we now find ourselves surrounded, has been the unfaithfulness of those in positions of authority within the Holy Catholic Church. Pandering to the desires of nominal Catholics who wish to contracept, divorce and obtain rubber-stamped annulments, and failing to teach the truth firmly with the love and warmth that is always attached to the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ has been a sure method of allowing the world to become drenched in sin, selfishness, and darkness.
It is encouraging to hear priests actually preaching truthfully on these issues that are urgent concerning these dark times. The five decades of Catholic “navel-gazing” must come to an end. Personal holiness is always necessary, in all times, but when it is reduced to dreamy, self-indulgent, airy-fairy navel-gazing, or what seems to always be the ugly twin of the navel-gazer — finger-pointing and fault finding of the self-righteous and pharisaic — Holy Mother Church is not being well served. In fact, we come to the type of situation we now have in the world and in the Church, which as Father pointed out, is becoming more chaotic and dark with each passing acceptance of sin and self-indulgence the hierarchy enables.
Much is required of those who have been given much. I don’t find this teaching to be about worldly power so much as it is about those who have been put in positions of authority within the Church and have so disastrously been unwilling to stand firm and failed to be steadfast in the faith.
From down here in the trenches, the self-glorifying leaders of our Church (clergy and laity alike) who have capitulated to the attacks of the enemy, are seen for what they are.
Cowards and traitors, each and every one, who have failed to stand firm and fight with the power of the love of Christ, and the weapons of the Holy Spirit. They’ve traded in the armor of God for a few frilly garments of pride and place. Makes a soldier sick to the stomach.
God bless our leaders (clergy and laity alike) who are not afraid to be true shepherds, true men, not for the sake of their own pride and glory, but for the rewards of love and humble service to Jesus Christ and Holy Mother Church — for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Ave Maria! And on earth peace to men of good will.
Great homily, father! I love it!
I agree with the most of the thing that James has said, but, otherwise, I have to say too that, in fact, there is many proofs of plot against the Catholic. Today I read a very interesting testimony of an ex-revolucionary that converted to the Catholic faith and has revealed the evil purposes of the revolutionary movements.
I don’t know if this article has a translation into English, but I’m going to share it in Spanish and Portuguese. I hope you don’t mind.
Una experiencia mística con la Virgen la cambió
Amparo, exrevolucionaria y funcionaria de la ONU: «Mi trabajo era destrozar la fe de los católicos»
Amparo, ex-revolucionária e funcionária da ONU: «Meu trabalho era destruir a fé dos católicos».